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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: Hello.
You: hello
You: how are you today
Stranger: I am the best I have ever been, and you?
You: ?
You: not pretty good
You: i have a very very big test the day after tomorrow
Stranger: What kind of test?
You: i'm studying in the studying center of my scholl
You: Medical
Stranger: You enjoy it?
You: not really
Stranger: Sorry to hear that
You: so boring and so many memory consuming thing
Stranger: Yeah
You: where are you?
Stranger: So are you stuck with this right now or can you do something else?
Stranger: Im in California.
You: i'm stuck
You: California!
Stranger: Yeah
You: i wish that one day i can go there!
Stranger: Where you from?
You: Taiwan
You: a little island
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: Tired of it there?
You: yeah
Stranger: Sorry to hear that
You: i am eager about the summer vacation now
Stranger: Yeah I bet.
You: so what do you do?
You: Student?
Stranger: I work in a home for mentally disabled adults.
You: such a cool job
You: so today is your day off work!?
Stranger: No im at work right now, not always busy. Its really slow right now.
You: haha
You: i am getting confused by all the drugs
You: so i find this site to get me so fun~
Stranger: Yeah, its a great time waster.
Stranger: Although lots of weird people on it
You: really?
You: so how long have you been used this site?
You: using
Stranger: Not long bout a week or so
Stranger: My boss showed it to me.
You: you are my fisrt person i meet on this site.
You: My friend show it to me 5 mins ago
Stranger: Then you got lucky, usually its some person looking for girls or webcam, cyber stuf.
You: really!?
Stranger: Yeah.
Stranger: Some nice people here too tho.
You: i think those people misunderstand the meaning of this site= =
Stranger: Yeah.
You: ya
You: so you are a girl!?
Stranger: no
Stranger: Im sorry did I type like I was?
You: no
You: not at all
Stranger: Lol its ok
Stranger: So how old are you if you dont mind me asking?
You: haha
You: i want to ask you
You: the same question
You: i'm 22
Stranger: Im old.
Stranger: im 30
You: that's cool for you of that age getting on this kind of site
Stranger: Im just bored and nothing else to do.
You: so you are a doctor!?
You: you are busy now!?
Stranger: No
Stranger: I had to get some meds for a client.
Stranger: Im not a doctor, I just help out the people who live here.
You: so you are a pharmacist
Stranger: no
You: haha
You: that' ok
You: i still have 3 year before being a real doctor
You: long road
Stranger: Yeah, Im trying to become a police officer so I know how you feel.
You: police officer!
You: that' neat
Stranger: Yeah always wanted to do it , so its now or never.
You: so you are preparing for the police test right now!?
Stranger: Its in Febuary I take test for academy.
You: mnn
Stranger: But yes im getting ready now.
You: i have heard that the police officer can ride a horse
You: is it true!?
You: Good luck to you!
Stranger: Some places use horses for like crowd control at like outdoor events.
Stranger: Thnaks, you too.
You: such a nice-being person as you will be a great police officer,i think
Stranger: Thank you.
Stranger: Im sure you will make a wonderful doctor.
You: thank you
You: so when will you find a job
You: can you predict that!?
Stranger: That will take a while.
Stranger: It takes like a year to go through process.
You: what is being test in police test!?
You: mnn
You: that'a long road
Stranger: Its a test of physical and academic.
Stranger: Lots of running
You: cool
Stranger: Be right back in a sec
You: you have to keep yourself in shape to be a good police!
You: mnn
Stranger: Ok im back.
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Im running like 4 miles a day now.
Stranger: trying to eat healthy but its hard
You: ha
You: i
You: i'm trying to lose some weight and getting so more sports before
You: i succeed!
You: But keeping in shape is really hard
Stranger: Yeah just have to make yourself do it
You: mnn
You: so much temptation
Stranger: Yup.
You: 4 mile is equal to how many km!?
Stranger: hang i will calculate
Stranger: 6.43737 km i think
You: that's challening!
Stranger: Yeah
You: you must have a good body shape right now, i promise
You: i bet
Stranger: Im ok, just need to lose more wieght
You: so how is your body shape right now!?
You: i am 170 cm,58 kg
Stranger: I am bout 200 pounds, 5' 11"
Stranger: I will have to convert
You: mnn
You: sorry but i can't really understand 200 pounds, 5' 11"
Stranger: yeah i will convert it
You: can you help me to change it into cm and kg!?
Stranger: yeah
You: that' nice for you
Stranger: I cant find a good chart
Stranger: 90.91 kgs
You: and how tall are you!?
Stranger: let me find another chart
Stranger: 180
Stranger: cm
You: mnn
You: so you still have to lose some weight to be a great poice office,isn't it!?
You: keep going!
Stranger: just a little.
Stranger: I will.
Stranger: well i have to g, it was nice talking to you.
You: i think i have to study much harder to be a good doctor
Stranger: Im sure you will do just fine.
You: mnn
You: i have to study too
You: it's nice to talk with you
Stranger: I have to go home, so talk to you some other time.
Stranger: Goodluck
You: mnn
You: good luck
Stranger: bye.
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


















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